Sunday, April 4, 2010

Good Night Moon by Margaret Wise Brown

Good Night Moon by Margaret Wise Brown, illustrated by Jean Charlot

Rating: 3 stars

I won't spend too much time on this one. I mean, it's a classic and I'd be shocked if it wasn't in your child's library. It's soft and soothing and I rarely read it without yawning. But the text is so silly--rhyming for ryhming's sake, with the whole "mush" thing. How many parents out there have had to explain, poorly, what "mush" is to their children? "It's what you eat in jail, so stay out of there" is what I thought when Lorelei asked me a few months ago.

And the other thing about this classic that I do appreciate is this: WHY IS THE TEXT RED?!!? Against black? When Brown was writing this book, she surely realized it was a perfect-for-bedtime book, right? Bedtime involves low lights. And parents are a little older, grandparents older than them, so eyesight is going downhill fast. This book doesn't help!

In the next edition, I move that the text be changed to white. Then my poor eyes would feel so much better.

1 comment:

  1. (nursing so no fancy typing like caps)i am going to be sacrosanct and utter this aloud: i do not like this all. to me it's the literary version of the emperor has no clothes, meaning it's all hype. i will await my parental flogging now.
