Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Wow! School! by Robert Nuebecker

Wow! School! by Robert Nuebecker

Rating: 5 stars

Well, the count down to the start of preschool is on.  I'm not sure who is more excited--me or Lorelei.  Ben, if he realized what is about to happen, would definitely NOT be excited.  Even though Lorelei's favorite past time is to boss him around, he will miss her for every minute of the three and a half hours she'll be out of my hands.  Mostly, I'm curious: How will she react?  How will she behave?  What will she love? Will she make friends easily?  How long will it be till the school calls to tell me she's sick or has broken her arm on the playground?!  (I'm sure that phone call will come from Ben.)

This is one of the best starting school books out there.  It's simple--with minimal words, Nuebecker just produces these huge sheets of art, filled with all the little things that you'd find in a classroom.  Check out some of the pages:

I love the fact that Nuebecker sat in the back of his daughter's preschool class and sketched the pictures.  We are big fans of Nuebecker's--dorky me follows his blog and is impatiently awaiting his next WOW! book, which is Wow!  Ocean!  We'll probably have to trek up to the Baltimore Aquarium to fully appreciate that book.

For now, though, we'll just focus on the start of school.  Keep your fingers crossed for all of us!


  1. Baltimore Aquarium trek? Yes, please! I love the posted illustrations.

  2. THe illustration is great, full of colors and easy on the eye. The title is great too, certainly suitable for anyone who is looking to counter first day school fright of their children or something. Will provide a good read nonetheless
