Wednesday, July 2, 2014

The Case of the Missing Donut by Alison McGhee

The Case of the Missing Donut by Alison McGhee, illustrated by Isabel Roxas

Rating: 5 stars

Sheriff had a mission.  A simple mission, really: Bring home a dozen donuts. The sheriff and his deputy dog took this mission very seriously, trying to keep the box flat so not one donut would be squished or squashed, flipped or flopped.

On the walk home, the sheriff felt obligated to check out the safety of the donuts.  So he peeked at them.  One--it just happened to be the powdered sugared one, the one he most wanted to taste in his sheriff-mouth--seemed to be a little bit squished.  So he took a little bite, to even it out.  But when he takes one bite, stopping is impossible. Soon, that powdered sugar wonderful-ness was gone.  Gone!

It was such a mystery!  (Or, at least that's what the sheriff told the deputy, to keep from looking guilty.)

Yet, as the sheriff continued to walk home, on a walk that was obviously familiar because everyone knew him, it seemed that everyone knew the true whereabouts of the donut.  Somehow, they just KNEW!

But wait a minute.
Was that one smushed?
Yes, it certainly was.
The barber, Mrs. Flaherty, his friend Kareem…they all asked how much he liked the donut.  And then, when he got home, his mom and dad were looking at him sorta funny.  DID THEY KNOW TOO?!

When they opened the box and saw only eleven donuts, his mom and dad asked: "Sheriff, would you happen to have any information about this case?"

The sheriff gulped nervously, then told the truth.  Curious, he asked how his parents knew.  The answer involved one mirror and, in case you hadn't guessed, one very powdered face.

All three of my kids got into this witty, well-told little mystery.  Once again, when they know something that the character in the book doesn't realize or see for himself, hilarity is sure to kick in, and some silly sort of uproarious laughter is sure to be heard.

And now--get this--they all want to go to Grand-Dad's house, because that is pretty much the only place they get donuts. See you soon, Grand-Dad!

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