Monday, November 8, 2010

Race You to Bed by Bob Shea

Race You to Bed by Bob Shea

Rating: 3 stars

Lorelei and Ben would be more generous with their stars...they like this book a bit more than I do.  I think it's the image that I have a problem with: Race you to bed!  Ready, set, go!  Faster, faster!  I mean, I've tried for over three years to create a pretty successful, mostly calm (splashing not included) bedtime routine that actually does not involve a race.

But this book is catchy with its nonsensical rhyme "Sneeze to bed! / Grilled cheese to bed! / Angry, angry bees to bed!"  It is so random in a way that makes me wonder but makes my kids giggle.  On the "Clang to bed... / bang to bed... / bring a BRING-BRANG-BRUNG to bed!" the bunny plays the nosiest instruments known to mankind...on the way to...bed?  I always ask, "Would Mommy let you take these things to bed?"  Both kids: "Nooooo!"  I'm a party pooper like that.

But I do like the ending.  The bunny gets to bed: "Looks like I beat you! / Beat you to bed!" and then with a startled look: "Oh, you're already in bed? / You were way up ahead? ? Okay then, race you to sleep!"

I like that kind of race.  Can I get in on that?


  1. That's the kind of race I will allow in the house. :)

  2. The only way I could get my three year old to bed was to challenge him to a race. I would say, "You can stay down here if you want, but I'll be the first one upstairs!"
    Then we would race and he would miraculously win every time. Then it was time for bed.
    That's why I wrote it.
    I'm glad your kids like it. It's for them.

  3. That is too funny! I wonder how long the race lasted: days? weeks? years?! Thanks for commenting, and for writing some funny books for our kids.

