Thursday, December 27, 2012

The Mouse Before Christmas by Michael Garland

The Mouse Before Christmas by Michael Garland

Rating (according to Julia and me): 5 stars

The Mouse Before Christmas by Michael Garland is about a mouse that one Christmas crawled into Santa’s sack. It is based on Twas the Night Before Christmas.  

Julia, writing her review long hand, before typing
(This is Kate interjecting:  See?  There is someone else in the world who is probably interested in reading all the versions of Twas the Night Before Christmas!  Okay, I'm assuming young Julia would be up for reading the stack of these books that I'm beginning to create.  I see a book party coming together for December 2013...  I am officially creating a Twas the Night Before Christmas tag for my blog.  Let me know of ones you know of that I might not know about!) 

The mouse was in the sack, and he found a way to peek out of the sack. He saw the Eiffel Tower, the Sphinx, the Leaning Tower of Pisa, and the Statue of Liberty. At the end, Santa finds the mouse, and takes him back home. The next morning he wakes up and he got a present: It was a mini Santa hat! I would give this book 5 stars.      

By Julia, age 7, grade 1  

Mouse had never imagined a world so wide;
He lost count of the wonders he'd seen on this ride.
(It turns out that this book was on hold for us, and arrived to our local library a few days after Christmas.  Julia is right; it is worthy of five stars.  It really is good writing:
Onto rooftops, down chimneys, old Santa did race.
Mouse marveled the reindeer could keep up the pace.
They soared past high mountains, skimmed low near a river.
The twists, dips, and turns set his tummy aquiver.


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