Saturday, July 10, 2010

A Train Goes Clickety-Clack by Jonathan London

A Train Goes Clickety-Clack by Jonathan London

Rating: 4 stars

I need a favor.  Will someone please sneak into my house late, in the middle of the night, and steal this book from us?  And then return it to the library without my son noticing?  I'm not sure he's going to let us return it, and it's actually almost due.  I know I could renew it, but...that's not the point!  I've got to take a break from it!

There's not much to this book, but Ben loves it.  The book follows me around everywhere...because Ben picks it up and follows me around, wanting me to read it to him.  I am, of course, officially delighted that he can now sit through a book or two with hardly a squirm.  But, between you and me, I'd like to get a few other things done during my day than read this book over and over and over and over and over.  And over and over and over again!

But it's a good one.  I can say that after reading it about a hundred times.  It's just your basic, run-of-the-mill introduction to trains book.  My husband wanted Ben to get into trains; he succeeded!  It took a few cool Thomas the Train items (some a bit overpriced for my cheap taste) and a book like this.

One last, more serious thing about it: Lorelei is starting to try to read, and a book like this is great for her.  We play "find the word" and she finds it on each page or I point to one and ask if that's the word we're looking for.  She thinks it's fun and she gets it right most of the time.  I don't want to push reading too much...I just want her to think it's a great pastime. 

So that we can take long car trips and plane rides.  I like to plan ahead.

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